Friday, February 29, 2008

YouTube Fridays

This week, I've assembled a collection of music related videos...

The first video (ever) on YouTube Friday is the "introduction" scene from Donnie Darko; in my opinion one of the best shots of the entire film and also one of my personal favourite scenes of all time. Yeah, it's kind of a big deal.

Next up is a pretty ridiculous interview with Black Flag (primarily Henry Rollins) from October 19th, 1985. Henry Rollins is pretty damn awesome and watching him mock this young, scene, smart-ass is priceless. Bonus: The kid mentions Dearborn, Michigan.

Continuing the Michigan trend, third is a Live KCRW Performance by Sufjan Stevens. He's performing "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" off of his Seven Swans record. I love this song and it's always cool to see videos of him playing live. Bonus: He's playing it a different key.

Last, I posted a musical classic from the legendary group Zach Attack. It's called "Friends Forever" and it is a nice idea.

Enjoy the weekend.

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