Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dear Bloc Party,

What happened to you guys? When I finally picked up your debut album, Silent Alarm in late 2006, I couldn't believe it completely fell under my radar when it was originally released. From that point on, I ripped dozens of copies of that record for friends, added you to my favourite music list on all the hottest social networking sites, downloaded your earlier singles, and looked forward to the release of your follow-up, 2007's A Weekend in the City, which was then, right around the corner. But when that album was released, it defined the word underwhelming. Gone were the proto-punk guitar stylings and quick-whipped lyrics about relationships, failed, sexual, or otherwise. All of a sudden, your electronic dabbling was pushed to the forefront and your lead singer, Kele Okereke, began aping Thom Yorke like there was no tomorrow.

Since your abysmal sophomore effort, Silent Alarm and your fantastic early EPs and singles have collected dust on my hard drive. Then, you go ahead and digitally release an all-new record on Thursday, titled Intimacy. Well, I have it sitting here with me, and although I have yet to give it a listen, it's on my computer waiting to be heard first thing tomorrow morning. I just thought it'd write you guys to let you know that I'm skeptical. My expectations are far from high, but I'm hoping you don't let me down. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool my twice, shame on me.

So for anyone else who wants to give the London four piece another shot as well, here are the ten tracks...

Bloc Party - Intimacy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, they're not tha same anymore.