Friday, August 22, 2008

Why, oh why...

Am I frowned upon or looked down on every time I mention my proclivity for Vampire Weekend? I remember a time not even a year ago, where an aspiring media journalist like myself could talk about the band's debut bootlegs amongst friends and colleagues alike without an eye roll or a heavy sigh. This was a time where bloggers everywhere could host a Vampire Weekend MP3 with pride, impressing both his causal reader and college peer.

Well as the hype/backlash cycle assuredly ensued, as it always does, those days are long gone. When I once could proudly discuss the Police and Paul Simon influences on the New York City natives and their summery afro-pop, I now must shelter my enjoyment of their 2008 record, being ever so careful not to reveal the pleasure it brought to me throughout its various listens. Even now, I'm sure a few readers and friends are wincing.

So, in the spirit of Henry Clay, let's all agree to give the all new Vampire Weekend MP3 a listen (via Pretty Much Amazing). It's a Fleetwood Mac cover that stays relatively true to the original, with added pop flair. I submit for your approval...

Vampire Weekend - Everywhere (Fleetwood Mac Cover)

Try to enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, well I still like Vampire Weekend.