Thursday, March 12, 2009

Too. Much. Work.

Sorry folks, I've been busy as of late. Blame Kalamazoo College, not me. Current academia = major headache.

However, as I sit in the library, I'm going to put up some new content. I've currently got this wonderful problem of having too much music that I want to share and I'll do my best to write about it instead of hording it all to myself.

Where to start, where to start... How about the new Thermals' single?

I got this radical 7" piece of wax the other day and it's only wet my appetite for their upcoming fourth LP, Now We Can See, due out on Kill Rock Stars on April 7th.

As previously noted, I'm a fan of the band and, like me, you'll probably dig the new tracks.

"My World" is the single's b-side, an up-tempo, straightforward Thermals track clocking in at barely over two minutes. It doesn't have the emotional chutzpah of anything off The Body, The Blood, The Machine, but it's solid material from one of my favourite bands.

"Now We Can See" has been around the internet for awhile now, premiering on P4K early in February, but its worth re-posting regardless; catchy garage-punk in-line with the claimed motif of "songs from when we were alive."

Right-click + Save Link As:

My World - The Thermals

Now We Can See - The Thermals

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