Monday, July 27, 2009

The Words of the Day Are "Box Elder"

"Boisea trivittata is an American species of true bug, commonly known as the Box Elder or Maple Bug. It is found primarily on maple and ash trees. These insects feed on the softer plant tissues, including leaves, flowers, and new twigs."

Omaha's garage trio, Box Elders, are led by Clayton and Jeremiah McIntyre. The brothers' "Jackie Wood" is a sunny, scuzzy, 60s-inspired pop song that's reminiscent of early era Pavement.

Perhaps then, there is no coincidence behind the Nebraskans' band name and the title of one of Pavement's best songs, "Box Elder" off their Slay Tracks (1933-1969) EP.

Regardless of the naming similarities, both songs are catchy as hell.

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Jackie Wood - Box Elders

Box Elder - Pavement

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