Friday, August 21, 2009

Cold Cave Loves All of Your Favourite Bands

God Bless bands that wear influences on their sleeves. Cold Cave is a shoegaze/new wave quintet out of Philadelphia. While they may come off as pedestrian 80s-revivalists, the group has a knack for balancing pop-kitsch with tape hiss and electronics, applying the aesthetics of My Bloody Valentine, The Fiery Furnaces, and New Order.

"Love Comes Close" is the strongest leak from the group's self-titled record, striking the perfect balance of baritone vocals, Bernard Sumner guitars, and Robert Smith romance.

"Life Magazine" takes steps in the opposite direction as Fiery Furnace-esque cut-and-paste loops dominate the song and Xiu Xiu's Caralee McElroy offers up guest vocals.

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Love Comes Close - Cold Cave

Life Magazine - Cold Cave

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