Monday, August 24, 2009

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

The closer September 22nd comes, the more anticipation grows for the official release of Girls' full length debut, simply titled Album.

Each song on the schizophrenic LP sounds more varied and unique than the last. The album's strongest link comes from lead singer Christopher Owens, who struggles to shatter Joe Strummer comparisons.

Throughout the record, the band genre hops all over the place. You have the 50s-inspired "Hellhole Ratrace," the power pop of "Lust for Life," and "Morning Light," which sounds straight from You Made Me Realize era My Bloody Valentine.

It's this distinct stylistic versatility that sets the band apart from their female-centric band name peers (Vivian Girls, Dum Dum Girls, The Girls, Women, et al.)

Right-Click + Save Link As:

Hellhole Ratrace - Girls

Lust for Life - Girls

Morning Light - Girls


Martin McCullagh said...

is that the actual cover? seen it all over the place, looks a bit like a mock up. eiter way, they are good.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure it is, that is if isn't telling any lies...