Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Points - Punk Rock for Tom Savini

In the indie blog community, there’s only so much room for Animal Collective-inspired bedroom music, yet readers are deluged with those bands, whose sound all blends together. Acts like The Hold Steady standout for finding indie success in the genre of meat and potatoes rock when other bands operating in the same style aren’t getting any blog love. Another genre that suffers from not conforming to the industry standard of “indie” is punk.

Punk. A brand of music that will never die, existing, if nowhere else, in the garages of high school kids armed with freshly adopted instruments. Despite its permeation in music history past and present, the Pitchfork-led indie blog movement can be cruel; its rare to see a solid punk band get legitimate praise or coverage.

Keeping this abysmal state in mind, I bring you “Shout” by The Points. Off their Beat in Hell 7”, “Shout” delivers nearly six minutes of raucous four-chord punk. The song kicks off between modes of blistering fast and choppy violence, but at the two minute mark things slow down, b-side Black Flag style, ultimately ending in sonic dissonance.

The Points know their audience and deliver the goods, operating as a good pallet cleanser for the slough of the blogosphere.

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Shout – The Points

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