Friday, November 6, 2009

I'm Back (Back) But Only Ironically Grooving

I know, I know, I know...

Things have been hectic since departing Michigan. I moved to Brooklyn, fought off hordes of C.H.U.D., and started work at a music magazine that I can't comment on here. Awesome? Yeah.

Anyways, consider this my "official" return to the blogosphere. What better way to celebrate than hosting New York's newest "unofficial" anthem? "Empire State of Mind" has blown up around these parts, no doubt in part due to Jay's performance of the track during the World Series.

While Yankees fans have been annoying ever since I moved out here, no doubt in part due to their run in the World Series, "Empire State of Mind" has yet to wear its welcome. Well, that's not entirely true. Despite slick production and above-average verses, Alicia Keys' hook is still awful no matter how many times I hear it. Thankfully, the former outweighs the latter.

If you've heard enough of Blueprint 3 Jay-Z or want to avoid the stupidity of Alicia Keys' lyrics, I'll direct you to Ace Frehley's cover of Hello's love letter to New York because, well, there's nothing better than grooving.

From here on out, blogging resumes in full. Y'all come back soon now, y'hear?

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Empire State of Mind - Jay-Z

New York Groove - Ace Frehley


Michelle said...

i have to respectfully disagree. i think the hook is dope. in fact, i think the track is jay's best since izzo.

so glad you're blogging again.

I-Rod said...

i agree jay-z is killing it right now

niki said...

just found your blog. nice.

kudos for pairing the 2 songs that have been constantly playing one after the other on repeat in my head for the last month.

Anonymous said...

Amazing as always