Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Sleigh Bells To Blow Yr Speakers To

If you don't remember me blogging about Brooklyn's Sleigh Bells and/or don't have the teeth-rattling pop of "Crown on the Ground" on your hard drive, please take a moment to click here and check out my previous entry. For those who did, here's a small, quoted, refresher:

"Every one of [their tracks] soar into the red. It's not hip-hop, but to call it indie rock is a stretch. At the heart of every song is a dirty beat -- Lead singer Alexis' vocals and fuzzed-out guitars take a back seat to one powerful drum machine. Despite being incredibly minimalist, Sleigh Bell's manage to keep things damn catchy."

Well, yesterday the speaker-blowing duo released the (literal) first track off their 2010 album, Treats. The new song, "Tell 'Em," is in line with everything the twosome's done before; it's as loud as it is catchy. And for some unexplainable, but awesome, reason, the louder you play it, the better it comes off. Download it below, max out those tinny MacBook speakers, and hear for yourself.

Treats is due out May 11th on Mom + Pop and M.I.A.'s N.E.E.T. record label. And in true in-case-you-missed-it fashion, I'm posting all of the band's original demos down below, plus that wild mash-up with Weezy F. Baby.

Right-Click + Save Link As:

Tell 'Em - Sleigh Bells


Crown on the Ground - Sleigh Bells

A/B Machines - Sleigh Bells

Infinity Guitars - Sleigh Bells

Ring Ring - Sleigh Bells

Beach Girls - Sleigh Bells

Fireman on the Ground (Sleigh Bells vs. Lil Wayne) - Sleigh Bells


marcus said...

Very useful sampler of such an epic band! thankyou

Unknown said...

You're welcome. I cannot wait for this new LP to drop...