Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oops, Forgot to Post That New Kanye

So late last month, a new, unfinished, Kanye song leaked onto the interwebs. It's title: "Power." You probably heard it already. It is fucking fantastic.

After the internet exploded (because, OMG, new Kanye), Mr. West released a mastered version of the single, and boy did it sound better in high quality. That first week of June was all about the return of Kanye, his forthcoming LP, Good Ass Job, and the "terribly genius 'fuck em'" that is "Power." The accolades were deserved -- the song is a banging return to form and that "21st Century Schizoid Man" sample made me revisit my In the Court of the Crimson King vinyl.

I figured not everyone got their hands on the finished track and since I post good music here, I decided to host the MP3. Summer 'tis the season of jams and this is one of the best.

Right-Click + Save Link As:

Power - Kanye West


N. said...


CANDY SINGS! 50s girl-group inspired songs about crossdresser Candy set to the music of the Velvet Underground. A lo-fi I-Love-You on Novofauve. I think you might enjoy.


Kiss, Cut, Kill,

doominaTIOR342 said...

kANYE WEST... PREPARE to fACE youR DOOM!!! There is a hilarious parody video of Kanye's new song Power on YouTube. Search for Kanye West Power by Tubbychubcakes to see it!