Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wow, Ridiculous Themed Hip-Hop Dance of the Day

Here's a great way to start off your afternoon: the "Daddy Stroke." This dance craze (if it's not already, it should be sweeping the nation right now) is unbelievable. So unbelievable, I'm doing it as I type this.

While the video above loads, allow me to explain...

Step 1: Straighten both arms, make fists with hands.
Step 2: Swing arms like a pendulum.
Step 3: Hump the air to the left, then to the right.
Step 4: Repeat.

I think my favourite parts of the video are the over-sized mascot, the dead look and boredom in all the female dancers' eyes, and the small child they hired to showcase the gyration.

Right-Click + Save Link As:

Daddy Stroke - Party Boyz

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