Monday, July 12, 2010

Shocker: "All Summer" Is a Summertime Jam

Selling out sounds pretty good, eh? Citizen Insane favourite, Bethany Cosentino (aka Best Coast) recently teamed up with Kid Cudi and Rostam Batmanglij (of Vampire Weekend & Discovery) in the name of Converse.

The track finds Cudi and Bethany trading vocal duties, while Batmanglij goes all Jack White on us and handles drumming duties.

Cudi smells like pot and still sounds like he doesn't have a care in the world and Bethany's guitar/vox are beachy and reverbed, so nothing's really new here, but the song's a jam if not only because its sonics stay true to its title.

Download the song below and, if you're so inclined, check out a behind-the-scenes clip of the collaboration over at SPIN.

EDIT:// Check out the new music video up above.

Right-Click + Save Link As:

All Summer - Kid Cudi, Best Coast & Rostam Batmanglij

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