Friday, August 20, 2010

Sufjan Stevens Decided to Drop a New EP Today...

So right at this moment, I'm stuck in yet another remedial Photoshop class, but as boring as it is, I can't just whip out some headphones and listen to this brand new Sufjan Stevens EP. However, I'm hoping you're better off than I am, so I'm busting out this entry like Barry Allen.

Some quick background: The material on here -- including two 10+ minute-long tracks -- was born out of the song outlines Soof worked on during his last tour (which I attended, natch).

While I can't quite vouch for any of the new songs, I'm going to go ahead an assume it's pure greatness.

Download the eight track, 60-minute EP by clicking here
Grab the original "All Delighted People" rarity from way back in 2000 (!)

Right-Click + Save Link As:

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