Tuesday, October 26, 2010

AotW - Fantasy Memorial by Dinosaur Feathers

So I've been spinning Dinosaur Feather's new LP non-stop and I've only had the record for a little over two days. That's a good sign. These Brooklyn dudes play a shopworn collage of avant-pop pastiches that manage to sound both pretty unique and very familiar. I'm sold.

Grabbing style from The Dodos, acoustic Animal Collective, Born Ruffians, Minus the Bear, Dirty Projectors, Andrew Bird, and a bunch of your other favourite bands, I'd say the songs on Fantasy Memorial sound like danceable freak folk, but then again, none of the tracks here really sound the same.

While that kind of diminishes the album as a whole, the schizophrenic musicianship suits Dinosaur Feather's catchy eccentricities. One track could have drums machines, hand-claps, and doo-wop vocals, while others sound like Grizzly Bear covering Radiohead's "There There."

These guys are all over the map, yes, but the culture cramming works and all these different sonic elements play off each other incredibly well. It doesn't hurt that the record sounds like autumn either. If you like the posted tracks, grab the whole LP by clicking here.

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Family Waves - Dinosaur Feathers

Teenage Whore - Dinosaur Feathers

I Ni Sogoma - Dinosaur Feathers

Know Your Own Strength - Dinosaur Feather

1 comment:

CodyinThailand said...

I Ni Sogoma reminds me David Byrne.