Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The TRON Soundtrack in All Its Daft Punk Glory...

In case you haven't turned on your television or opened up a web browser in a while, Disney's Tron: Legacy is right around the corner, which means we finally get to hear Daft Punk's soundtrack.

And by finally, I mean right now.

The album leaked and, overall, it sounds like if Daft Punk soundtracked a Tron film, so... Just like we all expected? There are some pretty stand-out, soon-to-be-classic tracks, which I've hosted below. If you're clammoring for the duo's full-on orchestral glory, I'm linking the full soundtrack too.

- Click to download Daft Punk's TRON: Legacy Soundtrack -

Related: Anyone else get the feeling that "Derezzed" is Daft Punk's attempt to out-Justice Justice?

Right-Click + Save Link As:

Derezzed - Daft Punk

End of Line - Daft Punk

Tron Legacy (End Titles) - Daft Punk

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Daft Punk trying to out-Justice Justice? Nah, they dont need to, they paved the way for the likes of Justice to start with.