Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Citizen Insane's Top 20 EPs of 2010

So, you thought you were done with 2010 lists? Well, if The Village Voice can post their's at the end of Janurary, then I'm totally safe. Just think of it like saving the best for last...

Before I finish up my favourite track list, I want to drop the spotlight on 20 excellent, EPs from 2010.

I spent so much of the year listening to big albums by big bands, but a lot of smalltime, indie acts put out some great, underrated work (most of the time for free). Plus, you've got acts like Sufjan Stevens and Girls and Freddie Gibbs delivering the goodness.

It can be hard keeping track of all the fresh faces and mini-records, but the 20 EPs below deserve a second -- or third, or forth -- listen and you can download 'em all via that link below the laundry list...
- 2010's Top 20 EPs -

20. Sufjan Stevens - All Delighted People
19. Dom - Sun Bronzed Greek Gods
18. Teen Daze - Beach Dreams
17. Ramadanman - Ramadanman
16. Tanlines - Settings
15. Teams - Catch Pool
14. Freddie Gibbs - Str8 Killa
13. Slow Animal - Slow Animal
12. Golden Ages - Africa
11. Tensnake - Coma Cat

10. TV Girl - TV Girl
09. Summer Camp - Young
08. Highlife - Best Bless
07. Twin Sister - Color Your Life
06. Gold Panda - You
05. Girls - Broken Dreams Club
04. Total Warr - Cascades
03. Active Child - Curtis Lane
02. Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. - Horse Power
01. Games - That We Can Play

Like the list? Download your choice of the 20 EPs by clicking here.

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