Monday, November 23, 2009

Sleigh Bells Have Burst My Eardrums

If there's one thing I can appreciate about music, it's pure volume. Turn it up to eleven and all that nonsense. If there's a new band getting buzz and all I'm reading about them is that they're loud, I'm hunting down those MP3s like a bloodhound. It's why I love acts like A Place to Bury Strangers or Times New Viking. It's why I'm as far up front as I can be at any given show. It's why I require a speaker pointed directly at my face when I DJ. It's why I'll probably be deaf at fifty.

Brooklyn's Sleigh Bells fit nicely into this just-built niche. Every one of the tracks I'm posting soar into the red. It's not hip-hop, but to call it indie rock is a stretch. At the heart of every song is a dirty beat -- Lead singer Alexis' vocals and fuzzed-out guitars take a back seat to one powerful drum machine. Despite being incredibly minimalist, Sleigh Bell's manage to keep things damn catchy. It all kind of reminds me of a slowed down Big Black, they just need to label their drummer Roland.

Right-Click + Save Link As:

Crown on the Ground - Sleigh Bells

A/B Machines - Sleigh Bells

Infinity Guitars - Sleigh Bells


Anonymous said...

I don't understand the hype surrounding Sleigh Bells, listened to every song I can find from them, tried to like JUST ONE. Can't get on board with them. Overrated!

Anonymous said...

I think you overrate your taste in music, lol