Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'm Back

In case you haven't heard, T.I.'s back, or so says his new-car-smelling single, "I'm Back." Okay, so the track's been floating around the web since the day Weezy shipped off to jail (*tear*), but that doesn't mean it's not blog worthy (because it is awesome). Plus, I've got to believe a host of whoever reads my blog has their finger far removed from the T.I. pulse -- No offense to all of you who own T.I.'s Road to Redemption on DVD and have been counting down the days to his release on your Dilbert calender. Ya'll have probably had this for days.

"But what does it sound like TJ?" Well, it sounds like T.I., really good T.I. Fair enough?

Right-Click + Save Link As:

I'm Back - T.I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best hearts are always the bravest.
