Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What If Dwight Schrute Met Lil Wayne?

W-T-Fuck is this greatness? The Office theme song playing backdrop to Wayne's "Hustler Musik"? Count me way in.

Unsurprisingly, Lil Wayne has found his way onto my musical radar despite his incarceration. And while this isn't new Weezy by any means, the track below is one fantastic mash-up... And O-M-G, just in time for spring weather and Oberon season!!!

It comes courtesy of a Boston/L.A. DJ by the name of Clockwork. I'm sure his Myspace has been BLOWIN' UP since putting this thing online. Word.

Right-Click + Save Link As:

Office Musik (Dwight K. Schrute vs Weezy F. Baby) - Clockwork

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