Friday, April 30, 2010

White Flight Finally Release New Old Song(s)

Back-story: White Flight (aka Justin Roelofs) released a home-recorded LP way back in 2005. It was a pastiche of indie genres and bedroom sensibilities. It was also... meh; all the lo-fi genre-blending came off as a centrifuge, rather than a wholly realized album.

A few years later, White Flight teamed up with Ratatat for a sophomore effort titled White Ark. The record was slated for an '09 release, but then Roelofs disappeared into the South American jungle, White Ark was shelved (like anything else, you can find an unpolished version via Google or torrent search), and the project was left in limbo.

For whatever reason*, Range Life Records has decided to release the White Ark songs on iTunes, albeit in single form, over the next few months. The first track dropped is ”Panther.” Not only does it fulfill the potential of "Now"/"Pastora Divine"**, but it blows anything off of White Flight's first album out of the water.

* The songs are awesome and deserve a proper, mastered release.

** "Now" and "Pastora Divine" are the opening (and most successful) tracks of White Flight's self-titled debut.

Right-Click + Save Link As:

Panther - White Flight

Now - White Flight

Pastora Divine - White Flight


Petunia said...

Thanks, for this post! I've been waiting for some new White Flight stuff for ages

Petunia said...
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Unknown said...

Yeah, this new stuff is pretty damn great.